pp108 : Case Model Activity Properties Interface

Case Model Activity Properties Interface

This topic describes the various fields on the pane of case activity.

The Activity Properties - New Activity pane helps in viewing and setting the activity level properties in a case model.

Table 1. Fields on the Activity Properties - New Activity Pane

Tab Field Description
General Description Provide a description for the case activity which you might want to reuse later.
Note: This field displays the Description of the Sub Case if it is for a Sub Case activity or the Name of the Sub Process if it is for a Sub Process activity .

Displays the various priority levels of the case activity in a list, which assumes importance at runtime. When the case model activities are delivered as tasks to the Inbox, the tasks will have the appropriate priority column set based on this property. You can select one the following options to set priority for the case model activity:

  • Same as Main Case - Priority is same as defined in the main case model.
  • Same as Sub Process - Priority is same as defined in the linked business process.
  • Same as Sub Case - Priority is same as defined in the linked sub case model.
  • Other - To specify the execution priority that is different to the main process and the sub process, select one of the following:
    • Static - You can select any one of the priority levels: HighestHighNormalLow, and Lowest.
    • Case Variable - If you want to dynamically set the execution priority via a case variable of type string.

By default, the priority level property set at case model level will be inherited by all the activities of the case model. You can override the default priority value at the activity level using this property.

Note: The option Same as Sub Process is only visible for a Sub Process activity and the option Same as Sub Case is only visible for a Sub Case activity.

This activity must be performed (required activity) Select This activity must be performed (required activity) checkbox to ensure that the current activity is enforced to be performed. By default, the activities of type automatic follow up are planned during case execution. However, the case workers still have an option in the runtime to remove such activities from execution through the follow up view of Inbox. But setting this property will disable it and enforce the case workers to perform the action to complete it.
Note: This property is applicable only for activities of type Automatic follow up.
Business Process Model This field is visible only when there is a subprocess activity within the case model. Click to browse and select an existing business process model.
Case Model This field is visible only when there is a subcase within the case model. Click to browse and select an existing case model.
Instance ID The associated process will be instantiated with the value present in the associated Case Variable. Ensure to have the Case Variable of type 'String' as the selected variable. Also, ensure that the value for the variables selected is unique for every process instance that is created and that it does not exceed the limit of 50 characters.

Wait until Sub Process is Finished

This field is visible only when there is a sub-process activity within the case model. If you select this check box, the case model waits until the sub-process is finished. If you clear this check box, the case model starts the sub-process and continues with the next activity.

Note: This option is disabled if the sub-process is a short-lived process or a page flow process.

Workflow Model Delivery Model Click to select an existing delivery model for the User Interface or External User Interface from the Select a Delivery Model window.
Note: To select a delivery model, you must first create a delivery model. If a delivery model has both the Inbox Model and Email Model enabled, the Use Inbox Model and Use Email Model checkboxes appear when the delivery model is attached to the task. When there is only an Inbox model or an Email model enabled for the delivery model, the corresponding checkbox is enabled, that is, only Use Inbox Model or Use Email Model checkbox appears. However, if a delivery model does not have any of the Inbox model or Email model enabled, these checkboxes do not appear. Select the appropriate checkbox that appears for the delivery model. You can configure Inbox and or Email models for a Team and a Work list as well. A task can have both Inbox and Email models configured on it.
Note: The Use Inbox Model option is not visible for a Sub Case activity or a Sub Process activity.
Note: This tab is not visible for a Sub Case activity or a Sub Process activity.
Business Calendar Enables you to select an available business calendar by browsing the list from the Select a Business Calendar dialog box. Business calendar is used to calculate the due date durations for an activity. In runtime, when an activity is past the due date, the activity will be marked in red color in the Inbox and if the escalations are configured, they will be triggered. By default, business calendar configured at case model level will be applicable for all the activities of the case model. You can override the default business calendar at an activity level using the this property.
Duration Specify the duration in terms of Days, Hours and Minutes, during which an activity needs to be completed by the case worker. You can also provide the duration dynamically by configuring case variables . Refer to [CreateCase] SOAP API from more information on providing values to the case variables while triggering a case model.
Escalate to

When the duration specified for the task exceeds maximum duration, you can escalate it for further action to any one of the following:

  • Manager of the user: Manager of the user's principal team will receive the escalation notification
  • User defined by case variable
  • User who created the case
User Select the case variable mapped to User who would receive the escalation notification. This option is enabled only when the option User defined by case variable is selected from Escalate to drop down list
Work Assignment
Note: This tab is not visible for a Sub Case activity or a Sub Process activity .
Assignee type

Type of assignment you would want to use to allocate work to various targets. Select an Assignee type from the drop-down list to add target to the case activity, so that you can assign the case activities to them, as described below:

  • Team: The users in the specified team who should work on this activity.
  • Role: The set of users with this role who should work on this activity.
  • Worklist: The list of teams associated to work list
  • User: When you select this value, you must create or select a case variable that should contain the value of a user DN.
    After selecting an assignee type from the above, select either Static Value or Case Variable and click to select the required value for the selected assignee type.
Note: This tab is visible only when the Assignee Type in the Work Assignment tab, as described above, is Team or Worklist.

Typically, in an organizational or team set up, different users perform different tasks. When you want only specific member or members of your team or worklist to view and/or execute a task, you may provide the required access permissions to them in the Authorization tab. Depending upon the selected Assignee Type (in the Work Assignment tab), which can either be a Team or a Worklist, you may select specific roles for the task on hand from the Team or Worklist. To select a specific role or roles do the following:

  • In the Roles list box, click . The Select Role window appears.
  • Select required role. The selected role appears in the Name column.
ACL ACL refers to Access Control List. The ACL helps you to provide specific rights or permissions for performing a task to specific roles.
Note: By default, whichever role remains highlighted or selected in the Roles > Name section, the ACL is visible only for that specific role. To view ACL permissions for each individual role, select the required role by clicking it. Right Name indicates the access right and Grant Permission column indicates whether or not access rights are granted for a selected role. Access rights permission to a specific role(s) consists of the following rights:
* Change Due Date: Select this checkbox, if you want to grant permission to a specific role to change the due date for the activity.
* Execute: Select this checkbox, if you want a specific role(s) to perform this task.
* View: Select this checkbox, if you want specific role(s) to only view the current task but not perform any operations on it.
Note: A role that does not have either Execute or View permissions, will get the task in the Case Inbox but cannot view or execute the task.
To grant permission to a specific role, click the role and select the relevant check box in the Grant Permissions column.
Note: If you want to remove the Execute or View permissions of a particular role, select the check box against the required role and click .
Work Distribution
Note: This tab is not visible for a Sub Case activity or a Sub Process activity .

Select one of the following work distribution options:

  • Use System Default: The default settings of the system decides upon work distribution.
  • Static (decide now) > Algorithm: Select the algorithm to be used to distribute work amongst the case workers.
  • Dynamic (decide when creating the case) > Case variable to be used: Select the case variable to be used to distribute work amongst case workers.
    For information on creating and working with dispatch algorithms, see working with Dispatch Algorithms.
Raised events
Note: This tab is not visible for a Sub Case activity or a Sub Process activity.
  Name of the event that you have raised or created. By selecting Can be raised option, you can trigger the selected events when the activity is opened from the Inbox. Only those events that have this option selected are displayed in the Events tab and can be triggered for that particular activity.


  • This tab is not visible for a Sub Case activity or a Sub Process activity.
  • The access permissions that are set at the model level can be over-written here (at the activity level).
  All the attachment definitions that are applicable on the case model are displayed in this tab. The access levels set on these attachments are inerited by the activities by default. You can select the required attachment definition and modify the access levels as explained below.
Inherit Select the check box to inherit the default permissions provided to the case worker for attaching a document. These permissions are set while modeling the case and they can be over-written at the activity level. To over-write the default permissions, clear the Inherit check box and select the relevant permissions.
Read Select the check box to enable the case worker to download the attached document in the Inbox.
Write Select the check box to enable the case worker to download the attachment, modify it, or add a new attachment to the task in the Inbox.
Delete Select the check box to enable the case worker to view the attachment, modify the contents in the attachment, add another attachment, or delete the attachment in the Inbox.
Links URL Type the URL of the location where the work instructions for tasks and case are made available for the case worker to view and implement.
Description Description of the URL.
Annotation Annotation Provide any additional notes or comments on the case activity.

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Case Management

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Designing a Case Model
Setting the Properties of a Case Model
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